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Ecosystem Service, new journal added in CIFOR Library collection

CIFOR library has added Ecosystem Services in the core journal subscription. Ecosystem Services, associated with the Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP), is an international, interdisciplinary journal that deals with the science, policy, and practice of Ecosystem Services defined as the direct and indirect contributions of ecosystems to human wellbeing. With impact factor 4.395 (2018) and 6.017 (5-year impact factor), this journal aims to:

  1. Improve our understanding of the dynamics, benefits and social and economic values of ecosystem services,
  2. Provide insight into the consequences of policies and management for ecosystem services with special attention on sustainability issues,
  3. Integrate the fragmented knowledge on ecosystem services, synergies, and trade-offs, currently found in a wide field of specialist disciplines and journals.
  4. Support and promote a dialogue between science and policy, providing empirical evidence to decision-makers in the field of ecosystem services assessment and valuation and support it’s mainstreaming into economic and land-use management policies.

The journal can be freely accessed in CIFOR HQ from this link For those who are outside CIFOR campus can access the journal from EZproxy or VPN connection.

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