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  • 1.


    Holdings: 2010 - Present (Online only)
    Publisher Web Site

    a weekly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance and surprising conclusions. Nature also provides rapid, authoritative, insightful and arresting news...

  • 2.

    Nature & Faune

    Holdings: 1991 - 2012 (Online only)
    Publisher Web Site

    Nature & Faune is an international, peer-reviewed, bilingual (English and French) publication of the FAO Regional Office for Africa. The magazine was established in 1985 at the request of members of the African Forestry and Wildlife Commission (AFWC) to provide...

  • 3.

    Nature Climate Change

    Holdings: 2007 - Present (Online only)
    Publisher Web Site

    Nature Climate Change is a monthly journal dedicated to publishing the most significant and cutting-edge research on the science of climate change, its impacts and wider implications for the economy, society and policy Nature Climate Change publishes original research across...

  • 4.

    Neotropical Entomology

    Holdings: 2012 - Present (Online only)
    Publisher Web Site

    Covers research in entomology and its subspecialties in the Neotropical zone (South and Central America, Mexico, Caribbean islands, and southern Florida), but it is not exclusive to the neotropics. · Journal owned by the Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil. · International...

  • 5.

    New forests: international journal on the biology, biotechnology, and management of afforestation and reforestation

    Holdings: 1997 - Present (Online Only)
    Publisher Web Site

    New Forests publishes original papers on fundamental and applied aspects of afforestation and reforestation for an international audience of scientists and practitioners. Articles discuss reproduction of trees and forests originating from seed, seedlings or coppice for resource protection, timber production,...

  • 6.

    Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems

    Holdings: 1997- Present (Online only)
    Publisher Web Site

    Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (formerly Fertilizer Research) publishes peer-reviewed papers and short communications based on original research results of interest to an international readership. Coverage extends to all aspects of carbon and nutrient cycling as well as management, their effect...

  • 7.

    Nutrition research reviews

    Holdings: 1988 - Present (Online Only)
    Publisher Web Site

    Nutrition Research Reviews offers a comprehensive overview of nutritional science today. By distilling the latest research and linking it to established practice, the journal consistently delivers the widest range of in-depth articles in the field of nutritional science and has...